Hesham's Blog World

This Blog contains my thoughts about life in general, commenting on anything interesting...Past, Present and Future.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Fresh Cotton...

It seriously pisses me off when I come across an individual whose position grants him supreme power and control within an organization, and yet he cowers from ever so using it. The list of reasons for this reluctence could go on forever, depending on the position's nature within the company.

Power could be disasterous on both sides of the spectrum: If misused, it could destroy, and if not used it could destroy as well. This reminds me of the last Abbasid caliph who could not grasp the power which he was supposed to have. Instead, the country's fate was in the hands of the Persian Barmakids who were pulling the Empire's strings from the "back office" until their power came into full realization during his rule. They misused the power they had, so the Empire felt monotinous surges and breakups across its domain. The last Abbasid caliph cowered from using the power he inhereted from his vicious and glorious ancestors and lost his throne (and the whole empire) to the Mongols.

If you suddenly were granted immense power which you could have only dreamed of at one time, the fear of not knowing how to use it could be great. But, time and experience sculpts the clear-minded, focused and couragous individual to shift this power to his favor. But some people are idiots and no matter how much time you give them they won't learn. So here are The Seven Effective Tips of Leadership:

  1. Relax. This is the first thing you should do once you hold that cool, expensive leather chair. Take a deep breath and clear up your mind.
  2. Keep the Cotton Fresh. Your personality must be strong and imposing so that you don't get shit from your underlings or become an office joke.
  3. Check out the Power Manual and memorize it. It usually contains useful informaton on what you are actually authorized to do in your new position. Trust me, there's ALWAYS a Power Manual lying around somewhere. In case you can't find it, then make one up! :P
  4. Seek expert advice, but don't depend on it entirely. This could lead to serious problems, because you as Mr. Power must ultimately take the clear-cut decisions regarding your situations.
  5. Don't hesitate when taking a decision. Since you have received expert advice and developed a clear picture on what do, then just do it! Take a fall or shine...It's how life teaches you from your own mistakes.
  6. Stay away from trivial matters. You are Mr. Power now, so be serious about it and make life easier for your subordinates.
  7. Delegate, but do not exasperate. Knowing who should get authority to act on your behalf is essential, but don't drain your own power in the process lest you become a trivial item.

That's all I've got to say, so keep that cotton fresh and good luck with your power!


Hesham :)


  • At Monday, April 03, 2006 1:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    if everyone with power does as u suggested im pretty sure thier cotton will always remain fresh ;) i hope one day u get the power u deserve and im sure ull know how to use it in order to keep ur cotton and the cotton of everyone working with u or 4 u as fresh as possible

  • At Tuesday, April 04, 2006 8:37:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I liked your "Seven Effective Tips of Leadership" and I hope one day I use them when I get "the power" or at least " that cool , expensive leather chair" and RELAX :P
    But what to do mafee POWER !!!!!


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